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  • 100 units/box

Mammoth thermo/hygrometer

Technical specifications:
- Indoor temperature, humidity, displayed at same time
- Temperature Range: Indoor 0ºC to 50ºC (32ºF to 122ºF)
- Humidity: 10% to 99%
- Accuracy: Temp.: +/- 1ºC, Hum.: +/- 5%
- Resolution: Temp.: 0.1ºC, Hum.: 1%
- Press the MAX / MIN -button, the highest or lowest measurement (according to setting) of humidity and temperature.
- Press RESET -button to reset max/min temperature and humidity
- High or low humidity display: 15-39% - Dry , 40-65% Comfort. 65-95% Wet
- battery included (1.5V AAA)