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  • 4 units/box

Tarantula , put biological microbes to work in your root zone.

Your roots are the gateway to feeding the right flower-boosting compounds directly into your plants.
Your plants roots are the key to your yield size and potency, thats what the research shows.

Yet the first thing you notice about most hydroponics roots zones is they are biologically sterile. Nothing other than roots is alive in them.

When you focus on your roots, you might notice that theyre bare and spindly-looking. But healthy roots actually look healthy, not like most roots youll see. Theyre muscular, intensely-branched, thickened, and robustly alive.

You dont see that kind of roots very often in hydroponics gardens unless youve imported beneficial microbes into your root zone.

But how do you do that?

- Decompose organic matter to create extra nutrition for your plants

- Maximize plant growth rates and yields

- Maximize nutrient uptake and solubility of minerals

Enhance availability of phosphorous and improves conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to plant-available nitrogen

One other thing for beneficial microbes products to be successful for you, they have to have a very high number of colony-forming units per gram.

In simpler language, this means that the formula should have a high number of microbes per gram. Tarantula clocks in at just under 10 million viable bacteria per gram, making it by far the strongest of its type.