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  • 12 units/box

Narcos® Organic Terra is a liquid, 100% organic fertilizer developed for growing on light to moderately fertilized (potting) soil. Narcos® Organic Terra contains a high content of micronutrients in addition to calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Narcos® Organic Terra is highly concentrated and focused on developing a strong microbial community in the root zone of the plant. Regular use of Narcos® Organic Terra helps the crop to withstand stress in the shade and increases its resistance to various fungal diseases.

Narcos® Organic Terra contains a concentrated solution with amino acids, seaweed, carbohydrates and microorganisms. The microorganisms present produce auxins (plant hormones) and root-protecting sugars and make phosphorus easily available. They increase the resistance to stress and diseases and ensure the retention of useful metals in the soil.